lack of substance

美 [læk əv ˈsʌbstəns]英 [læk ɒv ˈsʌbstəns]
  • 缺乏重要性
lack of substancelack of substance
  1. However , because of the lack of substance and health awareness , people simply could not concerned about the word of health .


  2. The tectonic evolution research of the East Kunlun in Mesozoic-Cenozoic period is still very weak due to the lack of substance records .


  3. Typical problems with Chinese students ' English writing may include , among other things , lack of substance , shallow reasoning , inappropriate textual structure , grammatical errors , etc.


  4. By the lack of economic substance , the troubles of the poor quality of life , mental life of the high sensitivity , a direct result of difficult for them to rely on their own power to get rid of the plight of reality .


  5. The reason that experiment teaching using virtual experiments is not only the lack of the substance resources restricts students ' experiment demands , but also the development of VR ( virtual reality ) technology and other technologies can be competent for the simulation of real experiments .


  6. As the result of it , the problem of the lack of the basic substance for the flower cultivation will be solved , especially the organic basic substance for the flower cultivation , and the need to the flower and the resident cultivating the flower will be meet .
